Ter info aan alle geïnteresseerden wensen wij mee te delen dat het vanaf morgen mogelijk is zich in te schrijven voor twee Wereldkampioenschappen. Volg hiervoor de link in onderstaand bericht van de ILCA.
Nous souhaitons par la présente informer tous les membres intéressés que les inscriptions aux deux Championnats du Monde sont possibles dès demain. Suivez le lien dans le message de ILCA ci-dessous

Applications for entry for the following World Championships will be accepted beginning Thursday, 23 January 2020:

2020 ILCA Laser Under-21 World Championships

2020 ILCA Laser 4.7 Youth World Championships

For both World Championships, the deadline for receiving PAID applications is 4 March 2020 at 23:59 Central US Time.

If you would like to compete in one of these Championships, you are encouraged to complete an entry application as soon as possible after it becomes available. Please be aware that if you do not apply by the application deadline, you may have little chance of receiving an entry offer.

Information about all ILCA Laser World Championships and access to applications is available through the ILCA events page


Best regards,
The ILCA Team

International Laser Class Association

Website: http://www.laserinternational.org